May 19, 2013

  • Abortion Hurts Women

    This is not going to be what the title made you think. I’m not going to present ideas about women being depressed, more likely to use/abuse drugs or to be sterile due to having an abortion. I’m not even going in that direction. I want to present to you how now that abortion is an accepted world wide practice, the result has been an overwhelming slaughter of female humans before they are born. This is NOT only in China because of the one child policy, but also other Asian countries such as India Viet Nam and Nepal,and in Eastern European countries such as Albania, Georgia and Armenia. (Actually, the UKis also beginning to see an increase in boys to girls. LINK)


    So, first off we have this supposed women’s rights issue resulting in less women. Babies don’t matter, they don’t have the same right to life as other humans. ANd it’s girl babies who end up dying more, world wide.

     “when we heard a moan of pain from the bedroom next door…The cries from the inner room grew louder—and abruptly stopped. There was a low sob, and then a man’s gruff voice said accusingly: ‘Useless thing!’

    “Suddenly, I thought I heard a slight movement in the slops pail behind me,” Miss Xinran remembers. “To my absolute horror, I saw a tiny foot poking out of the pail. The midwife must have dropped that tiny baby alive into the slops pail!… ‘It’s not a child,’ she corrected me. ‘It’s a girl baby, and we can’t keep it. Around these parts, you can’t get by without a son. Girl babies don’t count.’

    The real cause, argues Nick Eberstadt, a demographer at the American Enterprise Institute, a think-tank in Washington, DC, is not any country’s particular policy but “the fateful collision between overweening son preference, the use of rapidly spreading prenatal sex-determination technology and declining fertility.” These are global trends. And the selective destruction of baby girls is global, too.




    But that’s not all there is to it. 

    The gender ratio imbalance is now having a very negative impact on women who were actually allowed to be born and grow up, namely, higher instances of rape and sex trafficking, and being married off to men who are up to 30 years older. So now, this gendercide – thanks to abortion – more women are being abused. Go women’s rights, huh?


    “Growing evidence (LINK) suggests that in countries like India and China, where the ratio of men to women is unnaturally high due to the selective abortion of female fetuses and neglect of girl children, the rates of violence towards women increase. “The sex ratio imbalance directly leads to more sex trafficking and bride buying,” says Mara Hvistendahl, author of Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls, and the Consequences of a World Full of Men.”




    “…economist Lena Edlund estimates that every one percent increase in the sex ratio results in a six percent increase in the rates of violent and property crime. In addition, the parts of China with the most male-biased sex ratios are experiencing a variety of other maladies, all tied to the presence of too many young men. Gambling, alcohol and drug abuse, kidnapping and trafficking of women are rising steeply in China.”




    “The skewed sex ratio in Punjab and Haryana could have wider and more permanent social effects like rise in exploitation of women, higher crime rate, an increase in sexual diseases and depression among youth.”





    “…this plague of female foeticide has some drastic long lasting effects too, such as increasing crime rates over a period of time, discouraging girls from acquiring education or higher studies, slackness of women safety implementation laws and much more.”




    “…It is quite common to meet Chinese couples where the man is 10, 20 or 30 years older than his wife….”




    “The rape has also sparked a national debate in India on violence against women. Before her condition worsened in a New Delhi hospital last week, the girl told her mother that she didn’t want to die. But martyrdom, thrust upon her, has made her an unwitting symbol of India’s fight against sexual violence. Her death is a stark reminder of the hundreds of women who are awaiting justice in India, where one rape is reported every 20 minutes.”





Comments (14)

  • Strong post… The question is, how can we help curb this massive gendercide in these countries?

  • Absolutely sickening.

  • Sexism and misogyny is the problem. Not abortion. If sexism wasn’t already so rampant then baby girls wouldn’t be aborted more than baby boys are. This kind of makes me think of the argument “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” in relation to the gun debate. Guns aren’t the problem, a society prone to violence is. It’s kind of the same thing. Not allowing abortions isn’t going to change the attitudes already present in society. It would only lead to more women being put at risk by attempting abortions using unsafe methods.

    Also, I hate to say this, I really do, but correlation does not imply causation.

  • Holy crap a baby is a baby and this is so wrong. i can sit and yell it is wrong all I want but how do I, we, help stop this.

  • I am not sure how we stop this, but change laws that will out law this.
    You know what bothers me about abortion, you have one it is ok. But you harm an animal and you in big trouble and go to jail for it.
    I don’t get it.
    And have an abortion doesn’t only affect the person having it but those around that really wanted the child to be around.
    Even if they are not punished in the here and now. At the Great White Throne Judgment they will be punished for their sins.
    Thank you for posting this. Bro. Doc

  • It is so sad that all that is occuring, no doubt. I do agree with @optimaloctopus -  in that it isn’t just an abortion problem.
    Thank you so much for this post though. This kind of sexism, mysogny and outright murder is horrific and it seems like a bigger deal deal should be made about it. How anyone could hold a baby in their arms and kill it so coldly is beyond me.

  • It’s sad, Sam. You craft the entry as some sort of anti-abortion proxy-war, but your own issue entirely.

    Gender-selective abortions are only indicative of the larger problem of cultural and policy biases and prejudices. In addition to abortions, parents in those East Asian countries give newborn daughters up for adoption and they commit (as one of your own articles anecdotally recount) post-birth infanticide. Abortions aren’t the cause of China’s and India’s gender-imbalances, and magically taking them away wouldn’t solve the problem either. @optimaloctopus is sharply on point.

    Also, so the fuck what? Family’s preference for sons– provided no illegal actions were taken pursuant– are extensions of their personal liberties. In the same way, we shouldn’t have a fucking say when couples decide on how early or how late to have kids, how many kids to have, and the years between their having children. If, say, some Chinese family chooses medical techniques to select for male sperms and to fertilize male fetuses– more power to them.

  • @Celestial_Teapot - I still contend that higher instances of sex trafficking, rape and the slaughter of female babies before they are born hurts women. And these things are the result of abortion. (I don’t really care if you agree or not. These things are facts and if you don’t like it or agree or whatever, not my problem.)

  • @mtngirlsouth - Abortion isn’t the cause of sex trafficking. Abortion isn’t the cause of rape. Abortion isn’t the cause of post-birth infanticide.

    I’m sorry, but you can’t just fold up an entire’s culture of misogyny and male-bias and fit them inside your ideologically-lined square peg.

  • @Celestial_Teapot - Abortion is the cause for the gender ratio imbalance. (HINT This didn’t happen until abortion became popular.) And THAT has resulted in the higher instances of rape and sex trafficking. And obviously abortion is the cause of aborted baby girls. This will be the last time I try to connect the dots for you. As stated before, it really doesn’t matter what you think anyway. You do not even deserve the kindness of this response since your first comment was so disrespectful.

    Furthermore, I am learning that people like you who think like you really don’t care why I think what I do, you are only here to try to make me look foolish or to be spiteful. You, along with several others on here, are written off in my mind as lost causes because you have chosen to dismiss the most vital element as far as I am concerned. So I don’t look at this discussion as anything productive other than a slightly interesting way to pass the time until I bore of it. I do not actually expect anything useful to come of it.

  • @mtngirlsouth - Your abortion argument is laughably incomplete:

    1. There are Asian countries where abortion is legal but WITHOUT the gender imbalances of China and India. (Like South Korean and Japan.)

    2. There are countries where abortion is illegal (like Bangladesh) but WITH the gender imbalances of China and India.

    3. There are countries where abortion is illegal (like Laos) but with problems of sex trafficking.

    Nice of you to play box turtle: retracting head and limbs to shell when encountering comments you’d rather not deal with.

  • well written, especially the case about India; my country. It’s all been traditional thing in India, earlier people used to throw female baby in well/garbage place etc. now they are proud of themselves that they kill them in womb only.

    That rape case in New Delhi, India.. Bought all the people to streets, mass protests were there but our corrupt politicians transferred her to Singapore after she was dead. :( so that there wont’ be any more protests when people get to know she died.

    … after that case i think hope is lost as the people we choose to represent us is stealing/cheating/corrupting us. Who’s gonna save??

    Women is biggest enemy of women….. this is true in every country.

  • This made me cry.. i just had a baby girl. I couldnt imagine someone just tossing her in a pail to be disposed of. =(

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