May 1, 2013

  • Starting Early

    I was a preteen. It was sometime in the mid 80′s. A neighbor (An arch enemy) about five houses down had FINALLY moved away. And a card arrived on our doorstep telling us to welcome Chuck, Becky and Samantha. A Samantha! Nobody else EVER had that name back then! 

    We always cut through that yard to get to John’s house. (John was my brother’s best friend. He had a younger brother my age, Daniel. We were like brothers and sister.) So, the lady was out there and we stopped to say hello. She was like a living Barbie doll. I reckon she was in her early 20s, and I asked her if she was Samantha. She said no, her daughter was. (Her daughter was just a little baby, and SO CUTE!) And how did I know that? Turns out the mortgage company left the cards. 

    I guess she was trying to hold onto her youth. She began to sort of hang out with us, when she was not at work. She would take us to the mall. And not the one in Winston Salem. The Four Seasons mall that was like an hour and a half away. It was a whole lot bigger. And in those days, all the cool kids hung out at the mall.

    She would buy her baby daughter Samantha gummy bears, and we would window shop for hours. It was fun hanging out with her. 

    Then she got a new car. I don’t remember what kind, but she was really proud of it. By this time, she had gotten pregnant and was really showing. This guy named Chad had joined our gang, and i had a sort of a crush on him. She had taken all of us to the mall, and it was on the way home. In her new car. I was riding shot gun, and Chad was directly behind me. He was reaching over and tickling me, and I was laughing. And then it happened.



    It was only about a mile and a half from home. When we got out, there was a big dent in the lower passenger side. I don’t know what she hit, but she was very angry about that. Everyone else had trotted on home, and it was just me and her. She chewed me out. 

    By the time I got home, of course, I was in tears. My big brother asked me what happened, and I told him. (One of the few times he ever took up for me,) He went straight back to her house and chewed her out. A few minutes after he got back, she showed up.

    I knew who was at the door. When mom called me, I said I didn’t want to come out. I sat under my window and listened to her apologize to my mother, blaming her outburst on her pregnancy. But I wouldn’t come out and talk to her. I listened as she said she hoped that we could still be friends and we were still welcome to come over to her house. 


    I never went to visit her again after that day. Not once. And I never even really thought about that or her anymore for years. 

    Today in town, a car went by and someone was reaching from the back to the front, and it reminded me of all that. I guess it’s another one of my quirks, but I have always been that way, as this story proves. If you cross a certain line with me, I am done with you forever. And I guess this is just part of my nature. But this has never changed about me. The line of what I take has, but not that factor after it has been crossed. 

December 3, 2010

  • Setting the Record Straight




    ecently, something has been brought to my attention that I would like to set straight, right this minute. On a post a few days ago, I linked to a past post to prove a point, only to have something new brought up. So here’s the deal. I couldn’t care less about what nidan or anyone else chooses to do with their lives. I have never seen this man in real life, and have no idea what kind of person he may or may not be. What I do know is that he preaches on his blog that it is not really a sin to have homosexual sex according to the Bible. The entire point of the blog was the following: That is an out and out lie. Period. 

    Here are the verses which prove this, from the Old Testament to the New:

    Lev 20:13  If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them. 

    Lev 18:22  Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. 

    Rom 1:26  For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: Rom 1:27  And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. Rom 1:28  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; Rom 1:29  Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Rom 1:30  Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Rom 1:31  Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Rom 1:32  Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them. 

    1Co 6:9  Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 1Co 6:10  Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 


    Some people like to focus on what Paul said next here, and so would I……….1Co 6:11  And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God. 

    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(WERE, as in NO LONGER!!!)~~~~~~~~

    1Ti 1:9  Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 1Ti 1:10  For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine; 





    ow, you may choose to believe it is not a sin, and that is fine. God gave us all free will to believe and live any way we choose. However, when you go and try to say that the Bible does not condemn this behavior, I will call you out as the liar you are. Because, when you do that, you are contradicting the Bible and you might as well throw it all out instead of trying to rewrite it to fit your life. That is not how this works. You bend to meet the will of God, you do not bend His Word to meet your own will. That is all.

December 1, 2010

  • Having Lies Told On Me…….




    ust a few minutes ago, I logged onto my Xanga account to find a message from a friend of mine. This blogger informed me that I was “Heavily mentioned” on another blog. I followed the link, and low and behold! There was mention of me. And a distorted one at that. You may read for yourself here. This is what is said about me:

    Not long ago mountain girl was offended that I don’t condemn homosexuals, she contacted me to say she didn’t know what god I pray to. The glee she said it with was unmistakeable. The same glee that is too often expressed in condemning someone to hell.


    When I pointed all of this out to her, she was offended because she has gay friends. (Interesting how conservatives always have minority friends but they always condemn the same minorities to Hell.) She said her ex-husband’s brother was gay, and “best member of that whole clan” She pointed out that she one defended him for making fun of his station in life. And I certainly agree that she did a good thing in that. But e ither what someone does is evil or it’s not. You can’t have it both ways.


    She may claim to love anyone she wishes, yet if she feels no remorse for taking God’s place in condemning them to hell… I told her she could take as much offense as she likes at my previous statements. Truth is often hard to take, but if this offense can leave an opening for the Holy Spirit to help her let go of some fear/hate, then it’s worth it.


    Well, it just so happens that I had recorded that entire conversation in a pp blog, and so now, to prove a point, I have made it public. You may read that conversation here, and then decide if he is honest or not. 

      A few things I would like to point out before you go……Making a statement and taking “glee” in that fact are two different things. Also, telling someone a pretty lie instead of an ugly truth, which the ignorance of will cause them harm, is in no way “love”. And telling out and out lies on someone is not any kindness or at all Christ like. I find it extremely annoying when mentioning something (that is clearly expressed in God’s Word as sin,) as sin, is supposed to be “taking God’s place”. God has already made those things clear, and He instructed us to tell everyone. 

October 14, 2010

  • Asking For Friends Feedback…….

    The following is an exchange between a fellow blogger and myself. I have copy/pasted it word for word, only erasing the other blogger’s name. I put the other blogger’s words in green to make it easier to follow. This blogger, you may already know. If you do, it would be because you must have dealt with him/her before. I am not doing this to cause this blogger any trouble. I just wanted some of the people who read me to tell me if they think I am full of hate from my words. It seemed to me that this blogger twisted them as much as he/she likes to do the written Word in the Bible. This blogger wrote to me first. Now, I know I can be harsh, but I am not one to beat around the bush. So I just got straight to the point, and then it went from there. The last one does not have the time because it was the last one. I think it best to stop answering him/her now, because it gets nowhere, but me frustrated. And extremely so! (So much so, I wanted to share it with you. If that tells ya anything!) Here goes, from the top:





    • I saw that you looked in on two of my posts today. I left comments on both, but I could not include you on the reply because you never commented on the homosexuality post.

    • That is because I have ran into your type of thinking before, and I see no reason to debate it. You have made up your mind to force a meaning there which goes directly against other clear scripture. The only way your mind will ever change is if you open yourself to the Holy Spirit. Us arguing the matter does no good.

    • Actually I clearify scripture for those who wish to know what Yeshua taught. You get your anger from the devil not God. Sure you mind is made up, (Probably unchangeable which is sad, I wish you the best despite your words) but you were the one who visited my site.

    • I am not angry. Why would you think so? And if you prefer, I will avoid your site. Belief that homosexual sex is a sin is not equal to hate or anger. Unless, of course, in your mind it is. In which case I suppose you hate every theif and liar too. If you understand the difference in those cases, then you should understand how I feel about homosexuals.

    • I have no problem with you visiting my site and yes I do understand how you feel about homosexuals. More than you realize yourself. That’s why I pity you. That kind of fear leads to a small and lonely world. 

      Why do I think you’re angry? You said: “The only way your mind will ever change is if you open yourself to the Holy Spirit.” In other words you are acussing a brother in Christ of being from the devil. Those are not words from God. 

      I’ll make a point of including you in my prayers.

    • Well, more prayers are always welcome. I am just not sure who the god you pray to is. I see no reason to fear you, any more than there is any reason to fear an adulterer or liar or thief. You just reword things to make your particular sin of choice to appear non sinful. I know there comes a point with God when He will harden your own heart for you. And twisting His Word is a dangerous position to take. From where I’m standing, it seems to me that you would have more to fear than I. And it is such a shame that you have deluded yourself so much. You have been and will continue to be in my prayers. I wish you no ill will. As a matter of fact you seem to be a nice enough person. Why is it that homosexuals always confuse a simple stance on sin with hate? Or the clear statement that it is sin as anger? To me, the whole state of the gay community is in a very sad state. Because you have “Christians” saying stupid hateful things like, “God hates fags.” And the world acting as if you are more cool and more valuable than heterosexuals. Very few voices are saying that God loves you and can heal you. If it makes you feel better to dismiss those few voices as more anger and hate, feel free. But that is not what I feel.

    • Well, I don’t doubt it. Yeshua once said that his sheep know his voice. 
      Those who don’t know his voice aren’t his sheep… Well you can fill in the rest. 

      Likewise you probably won’t read any of this because as you yourself pointed 
      out you have a closed mind toward the word of God. That’s good for me 
      because I don’t debate anymore, I’m a teacher not a politician. It’s 
      not so good for you however, because you’re really missing out. But I 
      am going to write this down for you anyways on the off chance that you 
      might actually read it, and you might free yourself from those who 
      have taken a horrible advantage of you. Free to pursue a real 
      relationship with God. I’ve been wrong before, and it could well be 
      that God sent you to me. You may yet read what I write. Only time will 

      Try to imagine if you were told that if you want to be a Christian you could not 
      be southern. Of course it’s not a choice for you, is it? So as a 
      compromise we’ll change it to you can’t act southern. That means you 
      can’t listen to country music, walk bare-foot in the fields, or sit on 
      your porch on warm evenings. It means you can’t like guns, believe 
      that man and dinosaurs co-exist, or visit the rodeo. You must always 
      dress snappy, eat vegan foods, and adopt an upscale New York accent. 
      They’ll even be picking your friends for you. 

      How long do you think you would last before you wanted to blow your own brains out? 
      As Matthew chapter 7 tells us we can tell a tree by it’s fruit. No bad 
      tree can bear good fruit. If the fruit you and your denomination bears 
      is pain and suffering for those who are not like you, then what does 
      that say about your tree? 

      You see you may not be able to realize it, but you and I are quite 
      agreed that twisting scripture is harmful. The subject of 
      homosexuality is a perfect example of that. In the mid 1800′s the 
      word “Homosexuals” was added to I Corinthians and I Timothy and just look at all the 
      pain and suffering that has come about because of that. Sons and daughters who 
      are practically orphans now because of who they are. Even these 
      parents are now missing out on their children’s lives, they don’t know what they’re missing. 
      Even worse than that are these so-called conversion camps. Places that try to drive homosexuality 
      from children using the most brutal methods. If you’re gay and get sent to one of the places 
      your chances of committing suicide triple. 

      I once helped this one boy who had been through such a camp. By the 
      time he had come across me, he had attempted suicide twice. But with 
      love, support, and help he’s mostly better now. He’s even gotten to 
      the point where he no longer blames God for what his former 
      denomination did to him. You say love is my ” particular sin of 
      choice” I say loving the heathens is not a sin. Remember there were 
      several times in scripture when Yeshua was criticized for associating 
      with sinners. 

      I do understand that you don’t see your church leaders as having taken 
      advantage of you. In your mind you’re glad to give them your money and 
      political support. Blasphemy sounds sweet in the ears of a mortal. 
      They tell you you’re going to heaven and everyone else is going to 
      hell. That’s a real ego boost. The rest of the world deserves hell, 
      after all they’re all heathens. The truth doesn’t sound so great as a 
      fire and brimstone sermon about how God is going to torture everyone 
      you don’t like, I get that. 

      (BTW please don’t fib to me. I don’t seem like a nice person to you. I seem like a 
      heathen on their way to hell from your point of view. That’s why I’m thankful that 
      in reality God is the one who will judge me, and not you.) 

      There’s this teenage boy I take care of. I’ve trained him for years, 
      since he was nine. This past weekend he had to learn one of those 
      harsh life lessons. The kind that I really wish I could have taught 
      him verbally to save him from some pain. Unfortunately there is much 
      we all have to learn on our own. He came to me yesterday and said, 
      “Adults, even the ones who are supposed to be really clever are still 
      just guessing at life, aren’t they?” He had stumbled on one of life’s 
      great truths. 

      By placing your trust in men instead of God you’ve placed your 
      trust in the wrong place. The truth might not sound as seductive as 
      what you minister says but if you gave Yeshua a chance he could fill 
      your life in ways you never realized. 

      When asked what the greatest commandment was Yeshua answered, “To love 
      God with all your heart” he likened that to the second greatest 
      commandment: to love your neighbor. Years later John would write in 
      his epistle, that loving our neighbors is the same as loving God. If 
      what Yeshua said is true then shouldn’t we frame all of the law in 
      these two commandments? If you are interpreting the law in a way that 
      causes pain and anguish doesn’t that suggest you are interpreting it 

      It is you who seems in very sad state to me. I again remind you of our 
      fruit. If your fruit is pain and suffering how can you be well? To 
      paraphrase what Paul said to the Galatians: 

      Christ has set us free! This means we are really free. Now hold on to your freedom 
      and don’t ever become slaves of the law again. I promise you that Christ won’t 
      do you any good if you get circumcised. If you do, you must obey the 
      whole law. And if you try to please God by obeying the law, you have 
      cut yourself off from Christ and his wonderful kindness. But the 
      spirit makes us sure that God will accept us because of our faith in 
      Christ. If you are a follower of Christ, it makes no difference 
      whether you are circumcised or not. All that matters is your faith 
      that makes you love others. (Chapter 5)

    • Well, surprise surprise! I actually did read your whole letter. And you have made a LOT of assumptions about me. 

      For one thing, the church I was raised in, in the early years was a lot like you assume the church I’m in now would be. But when I was about 9 that pastor retired. They got a new one who was weird or something, and ran him off about two years later. Then, we got a preacher whom, at the time, I think was the best in the world. He was much more of a teacher than a preacher, and he made learning the Bible fun. He taught me a lot. He was one of the best men I have ever had the honor of calling friend. (And these days, I am thinking such men are fewer and fewer to find.) Anyhow, a lot has happened since then, his wife died and the next one changed everything. I had no idea how much difference a good woman could make in a man’s life. 

      Anyhow, he never taught me hate, only love in those good years. He was the kind of man that people just gravitated towards. He always kept you laughing, and those were some of the dearest times in my life before everything changed. You can read my blogs if you ever get curious as to that sad story, but I never learned hate from that man. 

      What I did learn from him was to study to show myself approved unto God. To always let the written Word have the final word. Never to put the word of man over the Word of God, because the Word of God is the true Litmus Test of truth. And one big red flag for me, is when man has written several paragraphs up to a whole essay explaining why two or three verse do not actually mean what they say. As if God cannot keep His own Words pure, or couldn’t see to it that capable enough men were around to translate it. On something that important. 

      A lot has changed since then. He changed. I never have met a preacher since that could hold a candle to him, and I miss those days and that wonderful fellowship we used to have together. Since then I have discovered a lot of snakes and wolves in churches. Very few sheep who know the Lord. No matter what church I go to, they are all hung up on some tradition or other, and they have this attitude that everyone who doesn’t hold the same traditions aren’t really saved. Has nothing to do with what the Bible actually says on the matter. I haven’t had a pastor or a church family in a very long time because of this. But I have given up pretty much on ever finding a church that is interested in the truth more than money or tradition. 

      Please don’t assume that I am accustomed to letting anyone do my praying or my thinking for me. I am well rehearsed and quite capable of both, thank you. And, contrary to whatever you have assumed, I do know my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I speak with Him constantly. And I am also very familiar with my Bible. Here is where the differences between us come in. 

      I am sure you are familiar with the Old and New Testament verses which clearly state that homosexual sex is a sin. I am familiar with your reasoning as to why they do not actually mean what they say. Quite simply, that reasoning IS adding or taking away from those Words, which is a dangerous thing indeed. 

      Now, I understand that you claim some of this was already added in later. By this reasoning, the Holy Spirit inspired the Word, and according to John IS the Word, but yet, allowed that Word to become corrupted. This, along with the fact, that the very commandment of God way back in the beginning about being fruitful and multiplying, REQUIRES opposite sexes, makes your side very much less credible. 

      About your talk about sadness and pain. According to the Bible I read, the ending of sin is destruction, although there is pleasure in it for a season. It also says to tell the truth. Now, maybe in your mind real love means allowing deceit if it causes happiness, even if the end thereof is destruction. Maybe you are the type who thinks that true love does not have in mind what is best for it’s object, but would selfishly pacify it’s object rather than risk the pain of the truth. Even though the joyous lie will cause much more pain later, the longer it goes on. 

      That was how my ex “loved” me. And I can tell you from experience, true love tells the truth, even if it does hurt and cause pain. If you have to lie then it is not true. 

      I do take offense at your insinuation that I was lying about you being a nice enough person. I have met plenty of people who were very nice and not saved. As a matter of fact one of my favorite people in the world is an atheist and I would trust him with my life. And that of my children. 

      If you think it is that I “hate” gays, you are also wrong on that account. My ex’s brother was gay, and in my opinion the best of that whole clan. And they always made fun of him when he came with his boyfriend for Christmas and such. After a few years of that, I pissed off the whole family because I told them they acted like a bunch of wolves. 

      From what you say, it seems that this “Christian love” you believe in does not call out any sin at all because that may hurt some feelings. But the Bible says that if you are not chastised you are not sons but bastards. (That might hurt someone’s feelings!) So, if you can sin and feel no condemnation from the Holy Spirit, then you must not have the Holy Spirit. And Paul lists over and over things that will keep you out of heaven. (He was not God, but very judgmental. Uh-oh!) And what he said was that if any other, even an angel of light should preach a different gospel than he did, that it was not to be trusted. 

      The gospel you are preaching is a very different one. You have made Christianity into an anything goes policy, anything, that is, except talking like Paul did about calling out sin for sin. And Paul also said that God forbid we sin so that grace abound. 

      Now, I read your whole letter. I wonder if you have read all of mine? I wrote this all out just for you. It was not a copy/paste, which it appears you have done for me. (A lot of times when you copy/paste, the sentences change lines before it gets to the end, or there is only one word in a whole line, like the letter you sent me has.) 

      In conclusion, I already know what the Bible actually does say. And you do to. You have rejected those Words for something you are more comfortable with. Something that is less painful for you. You say that everything else just must not be of God, because it causes you pain. I have never gotten the impression from Jesus or anything in the Bible, that if one is going against what God has stated, that not causing them pain was more important than telling them the truth. Your version seems different. I suppose this is where we part ways. 


    • Just because you wrote a long winded reply does not mean you really 
      read what I wrote. 
      Just because you thought up what you consider to be a few clever 
      rebuttals to a few of my points does not mean you ever considered anything 
      I said. 
      Just because you make a habit of reading scripture daily does not mean you 
      are really interested in what Yeshua taught. 

      Consider the following. 
      *I told you I wasn’t interested in debating but, you still did the 
      rebuttal thing. Though nice touch with drawing me in with your life 
      story. I thought for a brief moment this message was going to be for 
      real. None the less, you told me a lot more about yourself than you 
      *You took only a couple of hours to reply to my last message which 
      means you hadn’t had enough time to do any research, to verify anything 
      I said, or do any soul searching to reflect on the scripture I gave 
      you. (For that matter almost no time to even look up the passages and 
      learn the context.) 
      *I may have been wrong about it being a current pastor who abused you, 
      but I’m certainly right about the abuse and indoctrination of fear. 
      And that fear is what bred your hate and bigotry. 
      *You claim to love various people, yet feel no remorse for taking God’s 
      place in condemning them to hell. (Take as much offense as you like at 
      my previous statement. Truth is often hard to take, but if this 
      offense can leave an opening for the Holy Spirit to help you let go of 
      some fear/hate, then it’s worth it.) 
      *Further to the point you listed all these issues you’ve had with 
      children of God from many different backgrounds and beliefs, but 
      failed to recognize that the one common factor has been your own 
      attitude. Remember that the definition of insanity is to do the same 
      thing over and over yet expecting a different result. 
      *Every word I wrote was to try and help you to empathize with those 
      whom you mistreat, yet your heart is so poisoned with negativity that 
      such empathy is impossible for you. 
      *In the same sentence you denied a fear of homosexuals, express that 
      very fear with the false claim the the world (and what you really fear 
      is that Yeshua himself does more so) considers them “more cool and 
      valuable” than heterosexuals. (or more to the point, YOU) 
      *Your tree bears the fruit of pain and suffering. I guessed it, you 
      confirmed it in the last message, yet you can not see it. This is why 
      you carefully avoided that point as much as you could. On some level 
      you know that I speak the truth. It’s been said that a wise man seeks 
      correction, given your refusal to take counsel, what does that make 
      you? (Yet another question you would refuse to answer, no doubt.) 
      *You claim that I teach an “anything-goes Christianity” when I have never 
      taught such a thing in my life. However I do understand why you 
      believe that. Given the kind of abuse you’ve had, you couldn’t believe 
      anything else. 
      *You seem to realize that there are only “two or three” (Actually there 
      are six.) verses commonly perverted into supporting your crusade, but 
      lack the ability to recognize that a whole doctrine based on a few 
      isolated verses is rarely a doctrine worth following. 
      *You’ve picked out what you’ve been trained to believe are holes 
      ignoring the real points that I made, that you can’t answer, because 
      you can’t even consider them in your current condition. 
      *You foolishly point out that Paul often called out the sin of others, 
      which puts a spot light on your even more foolish mistake of not 
      recognizing that the sin he calls out is the very sin that you commit 
      most often, and even more so committed in the very message you point it 
      *Most telling of all, you have fallen into such idolatry that you can’t 
      get along with other Christians who don’t read the scriptures with the 
      exact same narrow/man-made view you do. It’s not just with me, but by 
      your own admission it’s with a whole array of different Christians. You 
      have gone in so many circles it could make Taz dizzy. Yet here you are 
      hurting yourself in horrible ways. Amazing!!! 

      No, you are not interested in Yeshua or relationship with God, you have 
      turned what you were told scripture says into an idol and worship that 
      instead. That’s sad because it’s caused you more pain than you realize 
      and will cause you a great deal more pain in the future. 

      But there is nothing I can do about it, because you are correct that 
      here is where we part ways. There is nothing you say will make me hate/fear 
      the people you want me to hate/fear, and nothing I say will convince 
      you to drop your idolatry and seek a relationship with Yeshua. 

      I have had put in my charge some people who are seeking truth who have 
      problems that I can help them with, and I have wasted enough time on 

      Should your condition change I will be more than happy to help you 
      search for a relationship with God, till then you are in my prayers 
      and have my sympathy.

    • I originally wasn’t going to tell you this because I know sooner or later you’ll embarras yourself by making the same assumption with somone else, but the reas for the different formatting on the previous two messages is because I did them on my palm top. I don’t bother to adjust my formatting when I transferr it. 

      Your paranoid delusions just make it seem like I’m doing something sinister because you don’t know the peace that exists inside Christ.



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